Setting up your Clever Account

With automated rostering via Clever, student data will be automatically synced from your Student Information System (SIS) to Along, and you and your teachers can save time for what’s important. To share data through Clever, you'll need to complete the following steps.

The steps include:

  1. Prepare your Student Information System (SIS) data for Along
  2. Create a Clever account
  3. Add the Along application to Clever
  4. Share data with Summit Learning in Clever
  5. Verify your data with the Support team

1. Prepare your Student Information System (SIS) data for Along

Make sure that you include the following information when you're preparing your SIS data to sync:

For teachers For students For classes
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Google Apps for Education or Office 365 email address
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Google Apps for Education or Office 365 email address
  • Section name
  • School
  • Class name - strongly recommended

Keep in mind that you’ll need a process to share any new teachers, students, or sections (ex: if a new student enrolls or a new section is created) with Clever throughout the school year so that the platform remains up to date.

If you’d like to add a teacher or administrator who won’t be teaching any classes in your SIS but should have access to Along, please use Clever’s Custom Data import to add these additional teachers. 

2. Create a Clever account

In order to sync Along with Clever, your school or district needs to create a Clever account. You can see if your district has a Clever account by visiting and searching for your school. To get started creating an account, email with the following information:

  • Your district name
  • Your Student Information System (SIS)
  • Your district technology point of contact
  • How you want to share data

3. Add the Along application to Clever

  1. Log into your district Clever Account at
  2. Click Applications on the left-hand sidebar
  3. Click Add Applications
  4. Search for Along
  5. Next to Along, click Select
  6. Under Selected Applications, click Next
  7. Under Confirm Applications, click Finish

This will send the Along team an approval request, so if you do not see the option to share data with us, please contact our Support Team

4. Share data with Along in Clever

We recommend sharing all data for selected schools. You can share data with us before it's finalized in your SIS. Once you're syncing the Along with Clever, all changes that you make to your SIS will transfer.

  1. Click on the Along application on your Clever dashboard
  2. On the next page, click Data Sharing
  3. Select the name of the school that is joining Along and click Save Changes
  4. Click on the Overview tab. Verify that you are sharing the following information with Along. Note that it's okay if you share extra information:
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Google Apps for Education Office 365 email address
    • First name
    • Last name
    • Google Apps for Education or Office 365 email address
    • Section Name
    • School
    • Class name- strongly recommended 

5. Verify your data with the Support Team

To start your first sync, you’ll need to verify that the data you are sharing with us is correct. This gives you the opportunity to check to see if you are oversharing data or if you need to edit the sharing rules your district has set. You can adjust by grade level, sections, and individual students. 

Once your school’s data has been verified, we’ll turn on your automatic nightly Clever sync!

Ready for this step? Contact the Support Team now!

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