Updates to Terms and Policies

Last Updated: Jul 26, 2024

We periodically update our terms and policies to help ensure teachers and students understand their rights and responsibilities when they use Along, as well as to explain how we collect, use and protect personal information.

A few of the material changes are described below. 

Your continued use of Along means that you are consenting to these updated terms following their "effective date." If at any point you would like to stop using Along, please email us at support@along.org.


July 2024

  • Community Guidelines
    • We are excited to announce that our "Code of Conduct" will now be referred to as "Community Guidelines." This change reflects our commitment to fostering a safe, welcoming, and inclusive space for all members of our community.

      Our updated Community Guidelines continue to uphold the same values but are designed to be more accessible and user-friendly. Within these guidelines, you'll find policies on respectful communication, privacy, and safety. These policies ensure that everyone can participate with confidence, knowing that their well-being is our top priority.

      We believe this update will better represent our values and enhance the overall user experience. As always, we encourage you to review the guidelines and reach out if you have any questions or feedback.

May 2023

  • Privacy Policy (for app.Along.org)
    • We updated section 3.4 (We Limit How Personal Information Is Shared), because a new Along feature will allow Registered Teachers’ personal information (e.g., names and profile pictures) to be shared with other Registered Teachers who are working with the same student. 

December 2022

  • Privacy Policy (for app.Along.org) 
    • We updated our Privacy Policy to align with the new privacy standards set out in the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and other state privacy laws. This includes an updated section about how individuals can opt out of cookies (Section 3.3). There is a new section (Section 9) about the rights users generally have over their personal information (including but not limited to the right to access, delete, and correct their personal information); how to exercise those rights; and opt out preference signals. Section 10 was updated to include additional disclosures under the CCPA (Section 10.2). 

  • Website Privacy Notice (for Along.org)
    • Similar to the Along Privacy Policy, we updated the Along website privacy notice’s state-specific section to align with the new privacy standards set out in the CCPA and other state privacy laws. We updated Section 2(c) to disclose how individuals can opt out of cookies. Further, we updated Section 4 to discuss the rights users generally have over their personal information (including but not limited to the right to access, delete, and correct their personal information); how to exercise those rights; and opt out preference signals. Section 5 was updated to include additional disclosures under the CCPA. 

March 2022

  • Data Privacy Addendum (exhibit to the User Agreement)
    • We have added an Appendix A to our Data Privacy Addendum to include state specific terms for California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Kentucky, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. 

December 2021

  • User Agreement
    • We've updated the introductory paragraph. We also corrected and replaced two occurrences of the entity name from TLP to Gradient Learning. 

October 2021

  • Website Privacy Notice
    • We've clarified that we may collect information that you provide to us, like mailing addresses, when you voluntarily participate in certain marketing events.

June 2021

  • Privacy Policy
    • More streamlined, readable, and descriptive about how we provide the Services, and more transparency about the information we collect and how we may use and share it
    • We’ve updated links to our website URL, domain name, and email addresses from comealong.org to along.org 
    • We’ve added language to support new product features (e.g. audio recordings)
    • We’ve added language that we collect information through the use of click-through URLs and pixels to understand how users interact with our websites, emails, and other services
    • We’ve created and included a link to a Cookie Policy explaining in more detail how we use, and how you can manage cookies and similar technologies
    • We’ve updated our deletion process to provide students more time to export their content, as well as to note that we will delete accounts after a period of inactivity
    • As early adopters of the Future of Privacy Forum’s and SIAA’s Privacy Pledge 2020 (formerly Student Privacy Pledge), and we have added language to share that news and reflect our ongoing commitment to industry best practices

  • User Agreement
    • We’ve removed language to permit access to Along outside of the pilot period
    • We’ve updated links to our website URL, domain name, and email addresses from comealong.org to along.org

  • Data Privacy Addendum (exhibit to the User Agreement)
    • Updated to reflect our current practices and how users and Schools control Student Data
    • We’ve included a process for students to make deletion requests directly, and provide additional time for them to export their content
    • Teachers will also have additional time to export their content and other information
    • We’ve also provided a transfer period for school leaders following a deletion request from students or teachers

March 2021

  • Website Privacy Notice 
    • We’ve updated our website URL and domain name from comealong.org to along.org 
    • We’ve added language that we collect information through the use of click-through URLs and pixels to understand how users interact with our websites, emails, and other services
    • We’re signatories to the Privacy Pledge 2020 (formerly the Student Privacy Pledge), and have added language to share that news
    • We’ve created and included a link to a Cookie Policy explaining in more detail how we use, and how you can manage cookies and similar technologies

November 2020

  • Data Privacy Addendum(addendum to the User Agreement)
    • Section 4.6 -
      • Added deletion process for students
      • Added transfer period for school leaders following a deletion request from students or teachers 
  • Privacy Policy
    • Section 3.3 - Added language that we will only use communications content on Along to provide the service, or respond to, or investigate any flagged content
    • Section 3.4 - Added language that school leaders may access information after a student or teacher has requested deletion of an account
    • Section 7 -
      • Added deletion process for students
      • Added transfer period for school leaders following a deletion request from students or teachers
      • Section 8 - Clarified that we may retain information to comply with a valid access or transfer request for Education Records 
  • Code of Conduct
    • Simplified and consolidated the language to make it clearer.
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