What do I do if my student didn't receive an email from Along?

Students should receive an email every time you send them a new reflection question after the initial welcome question. If they are not receiving your emails, please try the following troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check their spam folders or search their inbox for invitations. The invitations may have gone into their spam or trash folders. They can also search for an email from no-reply@along.org.

  2. Log in directly to the Platform and bypass their email invitation. Even if students do not receive their email, they should still be able to log in from the site directly.
    1. Open our supported browser (Chrome) on your computer.
    2. Navigate to our website: http://app.along.org/
    3. Select Sign in with Google or Sign in with Microsoft.
    4. Log in with their school email. 

  3. Work with your school and district IT to add Along to your allowlist. For some schools, you will need Along to be added to your domain and email Allowlists in order to access Along from your school email and device. You can find instructions to send to your IT team here.


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