After you sign into Along, you will be able to add students to Along. You can roster them into classes with a class code.
Roster your students
Managing your classes
Add multiple teachers to students
Roster your students
- Log into Along, and you'll see the prompt to create your first class. This will redirect you to the the Students page.
- Click +Add class:
- Name your class and click Create class:
- From the Students page, you can click Copy instructions to share with your students.
- Success! Your students now need to follow the instructions to log into Along. To enroll more students later, find your class code on the Students page.
Manage your classes
- Click the three dots next to the group and Manage students to add and remove students.
- You can add or remove your students from this modal. Once finished, click Save & Exit:
- The middle column will also show you which other classes your students are in.
Add multiple teachers to students
Students can connect with more than one teacher on Along! If students would like to connect to another teacher, they can:
- Copy the teacher’s Class code.
- Log into their account and click +Add new class
- Students can also add a new class from their Profile page by clicking Add a new class
Students enter the Class code and click Join
- Success! Now your students can reflect with multiple teachers! The new teacher's class will now have a tile on their Home page.
- To see how many teachers they’re reflecting with, click back into the Profile.