How do students respond to questions?

Once a teacher sends a question to their student, the student will get an email notification to log into Along so they can review it and respond.

Whenever a teacher sends a new question or replies to a student's response, the student can see and respond to the questions within their classes on their Home page when they log into Along. 

The new questions queue at the top of the page will show new questions up to those from the last 15 days. All questions, even those older than 15 days can be found, by clicking into their classes. 
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When a student clicks into one of their classes, all questions are organized into Questions to answer and Older questions. Students should review and answer any new questions.

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Once they review a teacher’s question, students will be prompted to respond through video, audio, text, or choosing the multiple choice answer that relates best to them.

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For video or audio messages, the student will need to grant Along permission to access their camera and/or microphone. Learn more here if you need assistance with granting these permissions. 

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Your student is now ready to record! Once they are done recording their message, they can click Stop to review their recording, and see what it will look like on the student side.

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Students can re-record or add an optional note to their answers. When they are ready to turn it in, they select Send.


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